Is There A Downside To Tantra?
I talk constantly about the amazing benefits of Tantra. The ability to control your sexual energy, last longer in bed, experience full body orgasms, connect with your partner for mind altering sex, and feeling connected day to day in the mundane aspects of your life.
But is there a downside?
Yes. If you are using tantra only for sexual pleasure, you will quickly see the downside. I don’t see it often, but I have seen it personally and even experienced it with a former partner.
If you do manage to experience a full conscious connection with a sexual partner, you will absolutely strive to reach that again. It is mind altering. I once overheard an ex describing tantric sex as better than any drug he’s ever done.
Think about that. If you are experiencing next level sex that feels better than any drug you’ve ever done, do you think there might be a risk of addiction? Absolutely. If used irresponsibly.
So how do we avoid that?
First, most people will never put in the consistent mindful work it takes to get to this level of conscious connection or energetic control so it will never really become an issue.
If you do get to this level of control over your sexual energy, use it for more than sex. Use it for more than sex, use it in every area of your life. If you don’t, you risk staying with toxic partners only for sex.
Keep your eyes open with your partners as well. Maybe you are well-rounded and living Tantra fully, but if you engage with partners who are singularly focused, you risk having toxic partners become obsessed with you.
As with all things, if you find balance and listen to your gut, you will experience pleasure, connection, and peace with tantra.
Photo Credit: @ellavalhallaboudoir