What is Tantra?
Tantra is an ancient holistic path that blends together the spiritual with the physical, so you can bring higher experiences of being into your everyday life.
Tantra literally translates to an instrument to expand.
It is a dialogue between the God and the Goddess, the union of two.
If you are interested in awakening your sexual power, experiencing deeper connection and opening yourself up to divinity, then you are ready to begin this sacred journey where we not only acknowledge your desires, but we explore them.
Tantra is a practical system of devotion that is very ritualistic. Tantric rituals are used to condition us to see and experience all of life as divine manifestations. To embody the essence of Tantra, “Nothing exists that isn’t divine,” is the essence of Tantra.
Tantra is not about sex as most believe. However, sexual energy is life force energy. Handled properly, it is a beautiful thing. It can be used to heal, to create, to connect, and to take you to new levels of joy.
I teach individuals, regardless of how they identify, how to see themselves, their sexual energy, and sex with Tantric eyes—through which everything is sacred.
I will guide you to apply Tantric beliefs to the real world, helping you to bring powerful spiritual energy into every aspect of your life, from family and relationships to work and health.You’ll discover how to open your heart and love yourself and others on a physical, emotional and spiritual level to create meaningful and fulfilling relationships.
Exploring Sexual Desire.
We can heal our sexuality and feel fully alive. The issue with making sex taboo is that our sex drive is really our life force the energy. It nourishes our sexual desires, which are not awful they are great.
When we repress this vitality because of religious, familial, or lawful restrictions, it really reduces our yearning to live. It transforms us. We lose our joy. Something within us disappears.
Tantra says that this force of energy that comes of this sexual desire and our need for fulfillment, is essential and that we must not fear it we should express it without reservation.
This frequently raises fears of individuals running wild, exercising a wide range of unethical and illegal activities, but that is pure ignorance. Tantra encourages you to listen to your calling. With divine direction we’re able to express this life energy in many positive ways.
Why Tantra?
Much of our societal and parental conditioning becomes an invisible prison; holding us hostage, keeping us from expressing our real interests and desires. If we do not have the freedom to do what we want we easily lose hope. We end up living someone else’s dogma. We are living someone else’s life. Often related to our partner’s fear.
Tantra encourages you to be free and to believe in yourself. It supports the idea that the best way to live life is as your true inner self wants you to live. Trust yourself and live your truth.
There is so much fear in general, in people’s lives. We fear disappointment, we fear becoming separated from others, we fear losing our partner, we fear getting fat, losing our jobs and so on.
When we are afraid we live in response mode. We are always afraid of the next step and the next move and we don't give ourselves a chance to really acknowledge what we truly want.
Tantra shows us that we are divine creatures. We have divine vitality moving through us that lives on forever, in many lifetimes and this vitality is associated with everything around us, we are not isolated. There is something exceptional happening around us regardless if we understand it or not. When you experience Tantra, sexual or non sexual, you will realize this is correct.
During a tantric experience we encounter something that we cannot clarify. It is difficult to put it into words. I had a former partner that likened it to the best high he has ever experienced, but even that doesn’t explain it. It takes you to a place beyond words.
Also it is so instinctive and transformative that we are never entirely the same again. Your anxiety and fears begin to subside because you know that there is something larger going on around you, in this world, and you will feel at peace. .
When we apply Tantra to our relationships we go past the physical identities of each other and connect to the other's soul. We see excellence and purity in each individual. We look at our partners with new eyes , seeing the God or goddess inside them. We additionally look past their own deficiencies and respect our spirit inside.
If you are non-monogamous or single and you are wondering if this applies to you, trust me, the answer is yes. I have practiced Tantra for many years, long before I ever heard of the word Tantra. I did not need to involve my partner, but when I did, it was magnified.
I taught myself VERY early on that my sexual satisfaction is my responsibility, I was not going to depend on someone else for that. I learned to observe and to move sexual energy throughout my body during sex, so all that was required was a semi-competent partner and I was pretty happy. Over the years and through different relationships, I learned not to settle for mere competence.