Let’s Talk About Nerds
Both Ladies and Gentleman, if you have never been confusingly, wickedly attracted to a nerd before then you are just not truly awake.
In my last post I mentioned that I am insanely attracted to masculine, confident men. (also tall). But people close to me know that I get “hooked” on nerds. I won’t go into the embarrassing details of it. Let me just tell you why you should be looking at nerds.
Nerds have their own kind of confidence, it is called “clueless”. They don’t know you are flirting with them, and they never seem to be trying to hook up with you. They are the best conversationalists, they aren’t asking for pics of you, or talking about your body, or the weather. (omg please stop talking about the weather). They ask thoughtful questions and they pay attention to your answers. They are not just waiting for a chance to respond, they are listening. They don’t waste your time with nonsense smalltalk (mostly because they care about not wasting their own time).
Nerds don’t have game. They are honest to a fault and with no intention of hurting your feelings, they will likely hurt your feelings. If you are reading this and you are thinking “My nerd has game”, wrong. Being a nerd IS your person’s game. Your nerd is not a nerd. And also, your nerd is probably a female. Why? Because if a man is playing the nerd game, and his counterpart is female, she already knows it. With women it is like dating the CIA. You know those shows where someone found the listening device or “bug” in their office, but they don’t take it out, they just start feeding the information they want the enemy to hear. Yeah, it is like that. Only she is not your enemy, she probably just really likes you.
No, if you are reading this and you are saying “my nerd has game” then you are masculine energy or male in gender.
It is easy for women to get hooked on a nerd because women like a challenge, they like to feel as if they are liked for who they are, not simply because they own a pussy. Women quite often like what they can’t easily have and are kind of obsessed with what they can’t have, where men in general will put their dick in most anyone that will allow it. That is not a judgment, I support you, but save yourself time and don’t send me the “not me” emails because I promise you, then men who don’t relate to it are not offended, they know it is true of most of their counterparts.
Nerds have their own lives, their own interests, they aren’t obsessed with their phone, and they don’t even notice that you haven’t texted in 2 hours, so forget playing that game where you purposely don’t text. You are only hurting yourself.
Nerds are educated and see value in things far beyond only sex. HOWEVER, nerds love sex. AND they are GREAT at it. I have some theories about this which is honestly a whole other blog post. I will sum it up though. Nerds study and educate themselves so they actually know how a female body works. They also know that if someone is having sex with them, they need to make sure that someone wants a repeat because finding the next one could take a long while. Nerds actually care and want your experience to be a must repeat type of experience. This is more about the fact that they are efficient than anything else. They know the time it will take to find the next one is a lot of effort and a lot of time wasted.
Before you decide to just go get yourself a nerd, put your big boy/girl panties on because this is not an experience for the weak or needy.