Experience Tantra
Experience Tantra
Even though I have a website with a full page dedicated to explaining Tantra, I am asked over and over to explain Tantra. I understand. It is virtually impossible to put into words. It is an experience, a state of being.
This is not a prayer or a meditation. It is an active practice of sensual stimulation with sound, sight, touch, smell, movement, music, visualization, and honoring the divine in all things. It is about being fully present and bringing this into our daily, mundane experiences.
Most of the Western world equates it to sex, and that is fair. It is wrong but fair. The practice is highly based on the awakening and movement of sexual energy. This energy purifies the energy body and allows us to obtain states of bliss. It is about a perfect harmony of the masculine and the feminine, the God and the Goddess.
If not for intercourse, then what is the point?
Again, this is difficult to explain in words. Since sexual energy is easiest to recall and awaken in relation to a sexual experience for most of us, I will start there.
Think back to the best sexual “feeling” you have had in your life. Now, be honest with yourself. The single best feeling you have had does not mean it was the best lover of your life or that you would do it again. For me, I know that my single best sexual experience, hands down, was with someone that I have never been able to repeat the experience with. For the sake of this article, let’s call him Brad. (Because his name is Brad and I don’t want mediocre partners to be confused and wonder if it was them) :)
That single experience is much different than the best lover I have ever had, where we were able to repeat an amazing Tantric experience over and over again for more than 2 years. All of the conditions happened to be right that night with Brad. We dated each other on and off for years after (non-monogamously) and we had great sex together after that initial weekend, but not mind-altering.
Okay, so you have your experience in your mind, let yourself freely remember only the experience. If things ended poorly or whatever, ignore that part. If it is a former lover, release the guilt, you are not cheating, you are doing an exercise.
Focus on that experience, remember the details of it. Recall the first glance, the first words, the first touch of the night. Go further, recall the next thing that happened. Follow this through. Do you feel that energy rising up in you? It is probably in the genital area. Now imagine that you can move that into your belly to make room for more of that energy. That is the 2nd chakra, this is the chakra where we might feel desire. Do you feel the desire rising?
Now move it further, up into the solar plexus. Your desire might turn to confidence here, or passion, or both. Do you feel your self-worth increasing? What else do you feel here in the solar plexus?
As the energy approaches each chakra, it ignites the properties of that chakra. It strengthens the areas that are weak, it balances the areas that are overstimulated.
Keep moving it through the entire body. Imagine your entire body filled with sexual energy.
Keep thinking of the sexual experience and allow that sexual energy to replenish in the genitals, now move this energy into the heart area, while still building more energy in the genitals. Enjoy how that feels in the heart chakra. Do you feel the increased feelings of love, for yourself, your partner (even if only within this container), do you feel the appreciation for life and connection?
Imagine that as this energy approaches the throat chakra next. You feel the stuck energy in your throat clear, you are able to ask for what you want and express your desires freely maybe. Maybe you are able to just release the sound of your pleasure and you somehow notice how relieved you feel. Keep allowing that energy to build in the genitals while maintaining the energy in each of the chakras we’ve reached so far. Now push it further, push it into the 3rd eye. Do you remember that feeling that you knew exactly what your partner needed, instinctively, you could feel and predict each other’s every desire that night? Did you get this deep that night? Did you connect? Did you look in their eyes and feel like you were one?
Move the sexual energy further now, into the crown chakra. Try to imagine that you have just connected into universal consciousness. At this point, if you keep control of it, you will have connected the God and the Goddess. Shakti and Shiva. As above so below. How would this feel? How does this feel? How far did you get? Did you move it into the belly before it dissipated or released? The heart?
If you didn’t make it very far or move it at all, don’t worry, that is normal, most people do not. Most never will. It takes a lot of patience, it doesn’t happen in 10 minutes, and it requires practice.
Once you reach this point, you may feel like you are in an altered state. Now, this is where I would begin to exchange energy with my partner if I were with a partner. I would breathe his energy in through my genitals, from his genitals, and send it back out to him through our crown connection, third eye, heart, or throat. It really depends on the capacity of the partner to participate or to at least allow the exchange. (There are other ways to exchange the energy as well that not as many people talk about)
When this level of connection is mastered, it is transcendent. My former partner described it as the best drug he had ever experienced.
Keep practicing it and you will get better and better. This is something you can learn to achieve on some level with all things, in a harmonious and gentle manner if you practice it.
My gift is that I am able to see, touch, and move energy in myself and in others. My role as a Tantra Practitioner is to facilitate the connection of my client’s energy to myself or another and to teach you to feel the energy as well. If you do not want to connect energy between us, I can teach you to move it in yourself through touch and breathwork. Services such as Tantric Massage and Awakening the Senses are rituals that include other Tantra practices where I help you build and move this energy so that you can experience this feeling as well as learn tools and techniques to use each day in the mundane world. If you are curious or have questions about a session, send me an email.