Solo Tantric Practices
Benefits of Practicing Tantra Solo
These tantric exercises for singles have many benefits.
Benefit 1: You will learn to better hear yourself and discover your authentic Self. You will hear the sound of your inner voice without all the distracting noise.
Benefit 2: You will break through any self-doubt, confusion, desperation, insecurity, guilt, limiting beliefs and resentment you may have.
Benefit 3: You will feel more connected with yourself, your intuition, and the universe. As a result, you will have a genuine connectedness to others.
Benefit 4: You will work through sexual dysfunction and blocks of pleasure.
Benefit 5: You will cultivate physical, emotional, and mental intimacy with the Self and others.
Benefit 6: You will explore your shadows and harness them with love and consciousness.
What is Tantric Masturbation?
Tantric masturbation is the best way to experience tantric sex for singles. You can create a self-pleasure ritual. Essentially, it’s an energetic practice that helps you reconnect with your body and sexuality. The end goal is not about ejaculation (altho that is okay too), but instead, focus on the the build-up of sexual energy. Sexual energy can be used to fuel your whole body for the entire day!
So how do you achieve this? When you masturbate, practice finding the pleasure strokes on your body and being in the present moment with that pleasure. As the energy builds and you approach orgasm, breath deep into the belly and pull that energy up and away from the genitals. This will relieve that intensity and prevent ejaculation or orgasm from occurring. By doing this you build up sexual energy that will be integrated into your body. It brings amazing benefits to your life and to your relationships.
Tantra is about far more than sex, so while I did start with masturbation, to get your attention, there are many more tantric practices you can use. Here are a few of my favorites.
I do think that Setting and State of Mind can make all the difference, so I suggest that whichever technique you choose to practice, first spend a couple of minutes in silence, or meditation to clear your mind. Maybe light a candle, some incense, etc.
Tantric Breathing
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire is a form of cleansing breathing. It invigorates you and gives you energy. Don’t practice Breath of fire if you’re pregnant, have high blood pressure, or if you struggle with vertigo.
Sit up straight and tall and breathe in and out through the nose. It is rapid, rhythmic, and continuous. The inhale and exhale should be equal with no pause between them. Keep the mouth closed unless instructed otherwise.
Initiate the movement from the solar plexus. (Naval area). Pull your naval in during the exhale and push it out during the inhale. Use your abdominal muscles to push the air out during the exhale.
When done correctly there should be no rigidity of hands, feet, face, lips, throat, or abdomen.
Begin practicing for only 1-3 minutes. Some people can do up to 10 minutes right away, but most cannot.
Belly Breathing
Belly breathing is the most efficient and relaxed way of getting enough air into your lungs. It automatically slows your heart rate, helping you to relax and calm down. In tantra, belly breathing is very important for optimal ejaculation control and for reaching “the Big O”.
Lie down on your stomach on your bed or on another comfortable flat surface.
Pull your belly in during the exhale, and push it out during the inhale.
The breathing should be slow. Inhale for a count of 3 and exhale for a count of 5.
Sounds and Movements
Tantric Sounds
The conscious use of sound is another way to practice tantra solo. All existence consists of vibrations and everything has its own unique sound and resonating frequency. When you make a sound, use your breath – or pranayama – in a controlled manner. Using sounds in solo tantra allows you to feel the healing effects of the pranayama. And during times with a sexual partner, making sounds sends signals of arousal and communicates that something feels good.
Find a safe place where you won’t disturb the neighbors and start making raw sounds. To help, you can imagine that you are an animal from the jungle and then imitate its sounds.
Let the sounds flow naturally, exploring every vocalization that wants to arise.
Feel the vibrations of sounds in your body when you vocalize.
Tantrikas love to move their bodies. As you learn to pull sexual energy into your body and move it through the body, you will begin to have a newfound love of your body. Movement such as dancing of any kind is the exposition of moods and emotions. It makes the unconscious conscious, and that is truly the whole point of tantra.
In tantra, a healthy body-mind complex is vital, blending both the flexibility of the body and the calmness of the mind. Dance develops both of these key areas.
Tantric Yoga
Traditional Tantra Yoga
Tantra is first and foremost a yoga practice. Traditional tantra yoga combines standing positions and floor-based positions with breath retention. It invites you to build patience within each position and an intuitive understanding of your body and its limitations. I am not a yoga instructor, and while I really did want to provide you with a list of poses to try, I just didn’t, so you will have to Google it.
Consider Using a Tantra Practitioner
The original mission of tantra is to teach humans their true nature and eradicate the suffering caused by misunderstanding. The goal is to reach higher levels of consciousness while growing closer to your Soul, your nature, your truth, your source, your divinity, your Spirit. You can do that all by yourself, but if you are not comfortable going it alone, consider using a tantra specialist.
Photo credit: Ella Valhalla Boudoir