Can Tantric Massage Heal Trauma?


Trauma impacts every area of our life. For the sake of this conversation, trauma is defined not as the event that happened to you, but rather, the disruption of your state as a result of what happened to you. 

It impacts health, happiness, relationships, and even our careers. We tend to associate trauma with major events, but truthfully, many of us probably have some level of trauma stored in our body. Modern life is inherently traumatizing, but trauma is also passed down through generations. This can be in our genetics actually. Your body truly is your unconscious mind.

Often, we hear people say things about being broken or imply they are unable to be healed. That's not true. We're not able to actually be broken. Our bodies are designed for survival. Trauma and stress cause a shift in your nervous system. It's a survival mechanism. It is actually working as designed. The key is to discharge the stress, and not to allow it to remain in the body for days, weeks, or years. Or maybe, in the case of our ancestors, even lifetimes.

When your nervous system is overwhelmed, the effect is trauma. Unresolved trauma shifts your body into a survival state, your body suffers from fatigue, aches, pains, even your mood can suffer as well. When in a chronic stress state it is not possible to truly feel love and affection. It can truly rob you of your life.

I personally do not think it helps at all to intellectualize your past, go over your memories, try to change your thinking. I take the approach of using sensation. Trauma trains your brain to feel unsafe to stay in survival mode. To discharge this trauma and restore a sense of safety to your body, you must get into your body and into your senses. In my sessions, we work to get you out of your head, out of your brain. Your body reads its environment with the senses. This in turn is then sent to the brain. You cannot discharge trauma with mantras, or with mind over matter. You cannot post memes until it goes away.

You must actually experience safety in the body and through the senses. Your body state influences by consciousness. By tapping into the body and being fully present with the sensations your mind becomes more centered and more relaxed. This allows your body to come out of survival mode and discharge trauma.

Will it happen overnight? Probably not. It takes daily practice to train yourself to be present in the body and to feel sensation rather than to block it out. Depending on the situation, it could take repeated sessions to fully train your brain that you are safe. A tantric massage session is all about sensation, grounding, being hyper present, and feeling safe.

For 90 minutes you are in a sacred bubble with me where I'm able to hold space for you and allow you to be 100% safe and present. The movement of sexual energy is highly cleansing and relaxing and facilitates the heightened sensations in the body. A truly safe sexual connection can heal and release trauma in the body. But working with a skilled energy worker trained to move sexual energy is not only highly sensual, but also accelerates healing beyond what any talk therapy is capable of doing. (in my experience, and in my opinion).


‘Til Death - Part III - Walking Away


‘Til Death - Part II - A Commitment Agreement