7 Spiritual Ways to Have Better Sex- Part IV
Finally, part 4 of the series wraps up with the 6th and 7th Chakras and their role in relationships and better sex.
6th Chakra- Use your Intuition
Have you ever had a random idea to try something different in relation to your sexual experience, but then in the moment didn’t follow through? Did you get the idea to decorate the bedroom before your partner arrived? Have you considered stopping at the store for some oils or a toy, but then suddenly began over thinking your partner’s possible reaction so you didn’t bother? This is your inner voice saying to you here's an idea. Just listen to it. If you are seeking ways and how to improve your sex life then you must open up to the ideas you have inside, do not let shame keep you from exploring your intuitive ideas. Learn to listen to that voice. Don't shut it down. If you are so fearful of talking to your partner about your desires, that is a different issue altogether. But here we are talking about all of those times that we do not act on our instincts and intuition.
This problem is in the 3rd eye Chakra which controls our intuition and our wisdom. This chakra gives us the ability to see beyond what is physically present in the moment.
When this chakra is blocked or has weak energy flow we can feel confusion and it can become difficult to connect with our partner. This causes sex to become a completely physical act. You won’t feel it in any area other than the genitals. If you are experiencing sex strictly in your genitals, you are not having amazing sex.
When sex is amazing, you experience something throughout your whole being. Your physical, emotional and spiritual being are all involved in the act when sex is great.
Connect with your intuition. As a result you’re better able to connect with your partner on an unemotional plane. This leads to better sex. When there is an intimacy between partners the door is open for more fulfilling sexual activity.
To move energy in the Third Eye, try these activities or call me to schedule an appointment.
1. Try tapping- gently tap the forehead where the third eye is.
2. Eat foods that support and decalcify the pineal gland – broccoli, spinach, seaweed or take an iodine supplement. Also Apple cider vinegar, which is beneficial in tons of other ways as well
3. Yoga- Child’s pose, and wide legged forward fold.
7th Chakra- Get out of your head
Get out of your head while you're having sex. If you’re thinking about tomorrow, how much time you have , what's for dinner, then your mind may be wandering someplace else, your partner will feel that and very likely end up in their head wondering what is wrong.
You cannot have your best sex if your sexual energy is all in your head.
The problem lies the Crown Chakra which regulates our connectivity with the divine power. When energy flow is in the chakra is not balanced our minds will wander a lot. When we lose our spiritual side of sex we become too practical into materialistic
If you wish to have meditative sex, you need to open your Crown Chakra. You will be in the moment completely and love every second of your experience. Be ready for a great orgasm. This happens when the energy of your partner merges well with your energy. In that experience happens a sweet explosion. It is pure ecstasy.
These activities can help to clear and balance your crown chakra
1. Meditation- This can help with hundreds of imbalances in your life, just do it.
2. Essential oils: Try Frankincense or Myrrh in your diffuser
3. Yoga Pose- The headstand is the pose to use here, but please do not do this if you aren’t with a trained instructor or are very experienced.