7 Days of Sensuality -Day 7

Day 7- Get to Know The Yoni

This may initially feel extremely awkward, but stay with me.  Most people, both men and women do not actually really know what the pussy looks like or how to identify its parts.

Find a comfortable spot for yourself or your female partner to be undisturbed and then for solo females use a mirror to look at your Yoni. Look at her for at least 5 minutes straight. Resist the urge to look away.  Really look and examine her. Then draw her.

If you are doing this with a partner, let your partner look and while he/she is looking, you look right directly at them.  They should not look away from the Yoni for at least 5 minutes. Then allow them to draw her.

There is a very powerful Tantric practice called Yoni Puja.  Yoni Puja is a sacred ritual whose origins go far back in time. It most probably developed in the Dravidian period of India, when the cult of Shakti was a major aspect of sadhana. It entails the worship of Shakti by performing certain symbolic gestures using an abstract form of Shakti, the yoni—which is represented by a gateway, an oval, or a portal. The word yoni is commonly associated with female genitalia. However, this can be understood as just a particular manifestation of the creative power of Shakti.

If you feel so inclined, go ahead and Google that practice and give it a try, but if you have never worked with the yoni or your body in this way before, I would hold off on that and spend some time making friends with her first.


Is sex superficial?


7 Days of Sensuality -Day 6