Can Masturbation actually be USEFUL?
However, I do think that masturbation in and of itself is very healthy, especially for women. But that is another post.
For the purpose of this post, I am going to just discuss the benefit of masturbation for directing your life force energy. That sexual energy is some magical shit. If you can get past the garbage that your parents, your church, and society has put into your head, you can really learn to value that energy for something amazing and powerful.
Look, I can be as hedonistic as the next guy from time to time, but what I have learned over the past several years is that when used properly, sexual energy can be empowering, life changing, success creating and goal achieving.
Try this practice. The next time you are going to masturbate, leave the porn out of it. Take some time to think about a goal you’d like to achieve. Make it something that is not so far out of reach, but also would take a little magic to actually make it happen. If you can do it without magic, then just do it, and stop being lazy. Pick something you could use a little extra help from a higher power.
Think about your goal, make sure it is clear and concise. Be sure it is EXACTLY what you want.
Then set a mood for your masturbation session. Maybe use music, candles, nice bedding, wine, whatever. Then just start touching your body. Don’t think about the goal, just think about the pleasure in your body. Touch your arms, your legs, your belly, touch everywhere except your genitals for a few minutes. Spend time on the foreplay. It is perfectly okay to fantasize here.
When you are ready, begin to touch your genitals, slowly. Take your time, make love to yourself. Men, if this takes you 2 minutes, then just know, you are teaching your body to take 2 minutes with your partner and there are not a lot of 2nd chances when that happens.
Continue to spend time with yourself until you are ready to release, if you choose to release. Now, recall that goal, be specific, be precise. As you release that energy, release that goal into the universe. Then watch how quickly it can come true.
Be sure your goal is not dependent upon a SPECIFIC person. You can wish for the love of your life, but you really should not be wishing for a specific person to become the love of your life.
I have found that the very easiest way to start with these type of goals is to use something very definitive, like money. You can measure that unequivocally. Be careful whenever people are involved because it may come true in a way you didn’t intend.
For example, I had a friend wish for a man that would adore her, love her, have eyes only for her, love to spend time with her, etc. She ended up with a stalker.
If you’d like help with sex magic, book a session with me. I will only be taking new clients up until July of this year. After that, I will only be working with current clients and referrals.