Are you injured or are you just in pain?

I have spent a lot of my life heavily involved in fitness and one thing I always asked myself during the many, many difficult workouts was “Am I injured or am I just in pain?” I know that some will argue my point here at least as it pertains to fitness and the physical body, and I encourage you to get to know your body, but I believe that pain is usually first in your mind, and it shows up at the edge of your comfort zone.

So, if we stop anytime we feel pain, we will not ever change. The old saying “no pain no gain” is not exactly accurate in the strictest of terms, but I believe the sentiment is valid.

To get to the point of the post, I think that we have turned into a society of helpless, entitled, whiners.

What exactly is everyone so butthurt over all the time and is it really about the thing that you are complaining about? I have found that the same question and reflection that worked for me in the gym for all of those years works well in many other areas of my life. Beyond the physical.

Are people really on Facebook yard sale groups commenting on posts telling people that the asking price is too high because they are truly offended? I had a lady take the time to actually search for the item I was selling to find a link to post to show that it could be purchased new for not a lot more, not because she had any interest in it and had no desire to purchase it, but to make a point, I guess. I have no idea, and the items sold for the asking price. Why would that offend her? Just make an offer if you want the item or just move on, it doesn’t affect her or concern her AT ALL. So, what is the real issue? Certainly, something other than that asking price.

Scammers LOVE and thrive off these people. I see it every time I am on social media. Example, someone posts a video of an obviously older lady, in her 70s and refers to her as being 50. What do you think happens? 500 women will post a photo of themselves and tell their age to prove that the woman in the video is not 50. Seriously? Your ego just gave away so much personal information about you to a scammer. Your FB already tells the day of your birth because we cannot help, but get all those Happy Birthday messages, now you just gave the year of birth since you told your age.

Your FB profile tells hometown usually or if you look deep enough you figure it out. FB tells your high school mascot, your maiden name, probably your mother and maybe her maiden name since we link up all the relatives. It goes on and on. All because our egos take a post like that as a personal attack. You were not injured by the post, but it clearly caused you some pain. The post wasn’t about you so where is this pain coming from? I would suggest that when you feel anger, or upset, ask yourself “Am I injured or am I just in Pain”. If you have not been injured, please go find the source of this reaction and heal that thing. The fact is that you may be injured, but probably not by this incident.


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