7 Days of Sensuality -Day 4
Day 4- Bondage/ Vulnerability
Being vulnerable in your interactions motivates more intimacy and a greater deal of trust.
One thing that I practice with a select few of my clients is a heart-opening exercise where we expand our chest and simultaneously expose our throats. This is a very vulnerable position, but it signals to your body that you fully trust the partner in the room with you. If you take the time to really move slowly with this and take time to breathe into the heart from this position, you will feel any number of sensations and for my emotions.
Vulnerability does also create sexual tension because being vulnerable shows that you feel safe and at home with your partner which ultimately makes them feel undeniably comfortable with you.
For Day 4 of our 21 Days of Sensuality, I chose bondage. There is not much that makes us more vulnerable than being restrained. It requires a great deal of trust, and communication. Please do not violate this because it is difficult to ever repair it if you do.
Choose a safe word and no matter what, honor that word if your partner uses it. Maybe start simple with some handcuffs, behind the back, or cuffed to the bed. If you feel okay you can try some leg restraints, or whatever feels like fun. If you do not have handcuffs, get creative. Use some rope, a tie, a belt, a ribbon, or the thing that holds your bathrobe closed.
Maybe even look up some Shibari on YouTube and give it a try. It can be very meditative. Take your time and stay within your level of experience. Don’t make the ropes too tight and keep checking in with your partner to be sure all is well.